Friday, February 4, 2011


Flash Frost and Glacial Storm:
  • Since these spells have the same chilled effect, if you first cast Glacial Storm and then double hit with Flash Frost, the game will forget the first source of chilled and apply Glacial Storm chilled effect a second time.

  • Gives a stack on feast if your target was below the threshold but was shielded. This results in the target potentially not dying because the shield absorbed the damage, but you still gaining HP.

Twin Fang
  • Range is 550 instead of 700
  • There seems to be a global issue with ranges being inconsistent. I believe that auto attacks and spells are using 2 separate metrics for range. I've noticed that Annie, with a 625 attack range, out ranges 700 cast range spells.

Spirit Bond:
  • Champions with dash abilities are able to dash through the chain without being slowed.

Transcendent Blades:
  • Actual cooldown and tooltip don't match when you have CDR.

    Dice and Slice:
    • You are able to dash through Veigar wall and Karthus wall without being stunned/slowed.
    • Does not factor in bonus armor when calculating the percentage of armor being reduced.

    Noxian Corrosive Charge:
    • Currently able to drop armor into negatives if they use a defensive steroid skill.

      • If you go stealth under an enemy turret, the turret will de-agro you even though the turret can still see you. Currently trying to figure out a way to abuse this with Akali and her smoke bomb. Could mean that I can turret dive and not have the turret target me.

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